Drop-Ins Are Always Welcome

One of the key distinctions of web development is that the standards draw a bright line between content and presentation. While LabVIEW doesn’t (so far) have anything as powerful as the facilities that CSS provides, there are things that you can do to take steps in that direction. The basic technique is called creating a “drop-in” VI. These functions derive their name from the fact that they are dropped into an existing VI to change the display characteristics, but without impacting the host VI’s basic functionality.

The Main Characteristics

The first thing we need to do is consider the constraints under which these VIs will need to operate. These constraints will both assist in setting the scope of what we try to accomplish, and inform the engineering decision we have to make.

No Fraternization

The first requirement that a VI to meet in order to be considered truly “drop-in” capable, is that there must be no interaction between its logic and that of the VI into which it is being dropped. But if there is to be no interaction with the existing code, how is it supposed to change anything? Given that we are only talking about changing the aspects of the data presentation, all we need is a VI Server reference to the calling VI, and that we can get using the low-level Call Chain function.

VI Server Accesses

As you can see, from the VI reference you can get a reference to the VI’s front panel, and from that you can get an array of references for all the objects on the front panel. It is those references that allow you to set such things as the display font and size – which just happen to be the two things we are going to be manipulating for this example.

One potential problem to be aware of is the temptation to use these references to do things that directly affect how the code operates. However, this is a temptation you must resist. Even though it may seem like you “got away with it this time”, sooner or later it will bite you.

To be specific, changing the appearance of data is OK, but changing the data itself is, in general, not. However, there is one exception that when you think about it makes a lot of sense: localization. Localization is the process of changing the text of captions or labels so they appear is the language of the user, and not the developer. This operation is acceptable because although you might be changing the value in, for example, a button’s Boolean text you aren’t changing what the button does. The button will perform the same whether it is marked “OK”, “Si” or “Ja”.

Autonomous Error Handling

The next thing a drop-in has to be able to do is correctly manage errors. But here we have a bit of a conundrum. On the one hand, errors are still important, so you want to know if they occur. However, you don’t on the other hand, want this added functionality to interrupt the main code because an error occurred while configuring something the user would consider as “cosmetic”.

The solution is for the drop-in to have its own separate error reporting mechanism that records errors, but doesn’t inject them into the main VI’s error chain. The error handling library we have in place already has the needed functions for implementing this functionality.

External Configuration Storage

Finally, the drop-in VI needs configuration data that is stored in a central location outside the VI itself – after all, we want this drop-in to be usable in a wide variety of applications and projects. For implementing this storage you have at your disposal all the options you had when creating the main application itself, and as with the main application, the selection of the correct storage location depends on how much of this added capability will be exposed to the user. If you intend to let the user set the values, you can put the settings in an INI file. You just need to make sure that you quality the data they enter before you try using it. Otherwise you could end up in a situation where they specify a non-existent font, or a text size that is impossibly large or small.

To keep things simple for this test case, we will store the data in the same database that we use to store all the other configuration values. The data that we store in the database will also be (for now) simple. Each record will store the data needed to modify one part of one control, so it will contain a field for the name of the VI, the name of the control, an enumeration for selecting what part of the control is to be set, and finally the font name and size. The enumeration Component to Set will have 3 values: Label, Caption and Contents. Note that to keep things organized and easy to modify or expand, this structure as a whole, and the enumeration in particular are embodied on the LabVIEW side in type definitions.

The Plan of Action

So how can we implement this functionality? The literary device of the “omniscient author” has always bothered me so rather than simply heading off in a direction that I chose before I started writing, let’s take a look at a couple of implementation options and see which one of the two will work the best for us. Remember that the only thing more important that coming up with the right answer, is knowing how you came up with the right answer.

The “Normal” Way

For our first try, let’s start with the basic logic for getting the control references we saw a moment ago, and add to it a VI that returns the font configuration data for the VI that is being configured. Note that the input to this fetch routine (which gets the data from the application database) is the name of the VI that is calling the drop-in. This name is fully qualified, meaning it contains not just the VI name, but also the names of any library or class of which it might be a member.

Font Manager - Deadend

The output from the database lookup consists of a pair of correlated arrays. Correlated arrays are arrays where the data from a given element in one array correlates to, or goes with, the data from the same-numbered element in the other array. In this case, one array is a list of the control names and the other array is a list of all the font settings that go with the various parts of that control.

The first thing the code does is look to see if there are any font settings defined for the VI by checking to see if one of the arrays are empty. It is only necessary to check one of the arrays since they will always have the same number of elements. If there are font settings defined for the VI, the code takes the array of control references from the VI’s front panel and looks at them one-by-one to determine whether the label for that particular control or indicator is contained in the array of control names. When this search finds a control that is in the list of control names, the code unbundles the font settings data and uses the Component to Set value to select the frame of a case structure that contains the property node for the specified component’s property.

This approach works pretty well for labels and captions because all controls and indicators can, regardless of type, have them. In addition, regardless of whether the control is a string, numeric, cluster or what have you, the properties are always named the same. (The property for manipulating a control’s Caption is shown.)

Unfortunately, things begin to get complicated once you move past the properties that all controls share in common and start changing the font settings for the data contained inside the control – what we are calling the Contents. For example, the property for setting the font of the contents of a string control is called Text.FontName, whereas the property for setting the corresponding information in a digital numeric is called NumText.FontName. Things get even stranger when you start talking about setting the font of the Boolean text in the middle of a button, or worse the lines in a listbox – there each row has to be set individually.

The fundamental problem that this simple approach has is that the settings for controls and indicators are built on object-oriented principles. Labels and Captions are easy because they are common to all controls, but as soon as you start talking about text that is contained inside a control, you have to deal with a specific type, or subclass, of control. Plus to even get access to the required properties you need to cast the generic Ctl reference to a more specific class like a Str (string) or DigNum (digital numeric). We could, of course, simply expand the number of items in the Component to Set enumeration to explicitly call out all the various components that we want to be able modify. Then in each case we could do something like this:

'fixing' a problem

Because we know that the String Text is only valid for strings, we could cast the reference to the proper subclass, set the appropriate property, and call it done. If you look at very much code you will see this sort of thing being done all the time. But looking closer in those situations you will also see all the code that gets put into trying to fix this implementation’s shortcomings. For example, because the subclass selection logic is in essence being driven by the enumeration, and the enumeration value is stored in the database; we have created a situation where the contents of the database needs to be kept “in sync” with the controls on the front panels. Hence if a string control should be changed to a digital numeric (or vice versa) the database will need to be manually updated to track the change. This fact, in turn, means that we will need to add code to the VI to handle the errors that occur when we forget to keep the code and the database in sync.

As bad as that might sound, it is not the worst problem. The real deal-breaker is that every time you want or need to add support for another type of control, or another Component to Set, you will be back here modifying this VI. This ongoing maintenance task pretty much means that reusing this code will be difficult to impossible. Hopefully you can see that thanks to these problems (and these are just the two biggest ones), this “simple” approach built around a single case structure ends up getting very, very messy.

But if the object-oriented structure of controls is getting us into trouble, perhaps a bit more object orientation can get us out of trouble…

Riding a Horse in the Direction it’s Going

When programming you will often find yourself in a situation where you are wanting to extend a structure that you can see in a way that you can’t yet fully see or understand. When confronting that challenge, I often find it helpful to take some time and consider the overall trajectory of the part of the structure I can see to see where it’s pointing. Invariably, if you are working with a well-defined structure (as you are here) the best solutions will be found by “riding the horse in the direction it’s already going”.

So what direction is this “horse” already going? Well, the first thing we see is that it is going in the direction of a layered, hierarchical structure. In the VI Server structure that we can see, we observe that the basic control class is not at the top of the hierarchy, but rather in the middle of a much larger structure with multiple layers both above and below it.


The other thing we can note about the direction of this architectural trendline is that the hierarchy we just saw is organized using object-oriented principles, so the hierarchy is a hierarchy of classes, of datatypes. Hence, each object is distinct and in some way unique, but the objects as a group are also related to one another in useful ways.

Taking these two points together it becomes clear that we should be looking for a solution that is similarly layered and object-oriented. However, LabVIEW doesn’t (yet) have a way to seamlessly extend its internal object hierarchy, so while developing this structure using classes of our own creation, we will need to be careful to keep “on track”.

Moving Forward

The basic for this structure is a class that we will call Display Properties.lvclass. Initially this class will have two public interface VIs: One, Create Display Properties Update Object.vi, does as its name says and creates an object associated with a specific control or indicator. This object will drive what is now the only other interface VI (Set Control Font.vi) which is created for dynamic dispatch and will serve as the entry point for setting the font and size of text associated with GUI controls and indicators. I am building the class in this way because it is easy to imagine other display properties that we might want to manipulate in the future (e.g. colors, styles, localization, etc.). This is the code I use to dynamically load and create display property update objects:

Create Font Object

In general, it is very similar to code I have presented before to dynamically create objects, but there are a few differences. To begin with, the code does not buffer the object after it is created because unlike the other examples we have looked at over the past weeks, these objects do not need to be persistent. In other words, these objects will be created, used and then discarded.

Next, to simplify in their identification, all VI Server classes have properties that return a Class ID number and a Class Name. The code uses the latter value to build the path and class name of the child class being requested.

Finally, after the code builds the path and name of the subclass it wants to use, it checks to see if the class exists and only attempts to load it if the defining lvclass file is found. If the file is missing, the code outputs a parent class object. The reason for this difference is twofold:

  1. Without it, if a control class was called that we had not implemented, the code would throw an error. Consequently, in order to prevent those errors I would have to create dozens of empty classes that served no functional purpose – and that is wasteful of both my time and computer resources.
  2. With it, the logic extends what normally happens when a method is not overridden in a subclass, to include the case where the subclass hasn’t even been implemented yet: the parent class and, – more to the point – the parent methods, are invoked.

Taken Care of Business

The dynamic dispatch VI Set Control Font.vi is obviously the parent method for what will eventually be a family of override methods that will address specific types of controls. But that begs the question: What should go in this VI?

Well think about it for a moment. In the first possible implementation we looked at, things initially looked promising because changing the font and size of labels and captions was so easy. You’ll remember that the reason they were easy, was because all controls and indicators can have them and the properties are always named the same. That sounds like a pretty good description of what we would want in a parent method – so here it is:

Set Font Parent

The structure is pretty simple, the code retrieves the control reference from where it was stored in the class data and passes it into a case structure that has cases for Label and Caption. In addition, it has an empty case that handles the Contents value of Component to Set. This case is empty because that value will be handled during override. So all we have left to do for right now is look at how these VIs look incorporated into the structure we looked at earlier – all we really needed to replace was the case structure…

Font Manager

…and here it is. Nothing much new to see here, so let me just recommend that you take a good look at this code because you probably won’t be seeing it again. Since we will be adding functionality in the context of the class structure we created, we won’t need to revisit this logic any time soon, and maybe ever.

The Big Tease

So with the basic structure in place, all we have to do is start populating the subclasses we need. But that will have to wait for next time when I will also post all the code.

Until Next Time…


Expanding Data Processing Bandwidth — Automatically

Well-written software can typically deal with any performance requirement pretty easily as long as the requirement is constant. It’s when requirements change over time that things can get dicey. For example, if your test system generates a new data packet to process every second and it consistently takes 5 seconds for the data to be processed, a little simple math will tell you how much processing bandwidth you need to create to keep up with the flow of data. But how are you to properly size things when variability is inserted into the process? What if the time between data packets can vary between 100 msec and several minutes? Or what if the data processing time can change dramatically due to things like network traffic?

These are the kind of situations where the processing needs to be more than simply “flexible”, it has to be able to automatically maintain its own operation and reconfigure itself on the fly. To demonstrate one possible implementation of this “advanced” technique, we will build on the simple pieces that we have learned in the past. In some ways, good software design techniques are like Lego blocks. Each one by itself is not very impressive, but when you stick them together, magic happens. But before we can stick anything together, we need to understand…

…what we’re going to do.

You’ll notice that any of the bandwidth management challenges that I mentioned earlier can be addressed by either adding more data processing clones, or removing existing ones that are being underutilized. Consequently, the question of how to implement this self-maintenance functionality really gets down to a matter of how to dynamically manage the number of data processing clones that are currently available — which in turn boils down to answering two very simple questions:

1. How do we know we need more?

Given that the whole point of the exercise is to manage a queue, the current state of that queue will give us all the information that we need to answer this question. Specifically, we can know when more processing bandwidth is needed by monitoring how many items are currently in the queue waiting processing. When the code starts to see the depth going steadily up, it can launch additional processes to handle the data backlog. Of course, this functionality assumes that there is a process that is constantly monitoring the queue and managing that aspect of its operation — which we actually have already in the test code from last week (Data Processing Queue Handler.vi). All we have to do is repurpose this VI to be a permanent part of the final application.

2. How do we know a clone is no longer needed?

The one part of the system that knows whether a clone is being under-utilized is, in fact, the clone itself. As a part of its normal operation, it knows and can keep track of how often is it being used. Having said that, there are (at least) a couple of ways to quantify how much a clone is being utilized. We could, for instance, consider how much time the clone is spending processing data versus how much time it spends waiting to receive data to process. If the utilization percentage drops below a given limit, the clone could then shut itself down. However, for this demonstration, I’m going to use a much simpler criteria that, quite frankly, works pretty well. The code will simply keep track of how many times in a row it goes to the queue and doesn’t find any data.

Code Modifications

Before I start describing the changes that will we will need to make in order to fashion this new ability, I want to consider for a moment the thing that won’t have to change: Queue Test.vi. You might be tempted to say, “Well big deal. All it does is stuff some data into the queue every so often. Who cares if it doesn’t have to change? It’s not even deliverable code”

While that is undoubtedly true, the fact of the matter is that this test routine is important, but not because of what it is or what it does. Rather we care about Queue Test.vi because in our little test environment, it represents the rest of our application — or at least that part of it that is generating data. Consequently, the fact that it doesn’t need modification means that your main application, likewise, won’t need modification if you decide to upgrade from a data processing environment that uses a fixed number of data processors to one that dynamically manages itself.

Data Processing Queue Handler.vi

First, note that previously this routine’s primary job was to simply report how deep the data queue was — a bit of functionality that would likely have not been needed in a real application. Now however, this routine is going to be taking an active part in the process, so I started the modifications by adding the error reporting VI that will transfer errors it generates to the exception handler.

New Queue Handler Timeout Case

In addition, because the software will initially only start a single data processing clone, I also modified the timeout event handler that performs the VI’s initialization, by removing the loop around the clone launching subVI.

The remainder of the modifications to this routine occurs in the event handler for the Check Queue Size UDE. Previously this event only reported how deep the queue was getting. While it still performs that function, that queue depth information in addition now drives the logic that determines whether we have enough processing bandwidth online.

New Queue Handler Queue Size Check Case

Note that the queue depth is compared to a new configuration value called Max Queue Size that defines how large the queue can grow before a new data processing clone is launched. Regardless of whether it launches a new clone, event handler calls another new subVI that returns the number clones that are currently running. As you will see in a moment, one of the modifications to the data processing VI is the addition of logic that keeps track of the names of the clones that are running. The subVI that we are calling here returns a count of the number of names that have been recorded so far.

Data Processor.vi

Turning now the data processing code itself, the first stop is in the state-machine’s Initialize state. Here we have all the same logic that existed before, but with a couple minor additions

New Data Processor Initialize

First, there is a new subVI that registers a clone is starting up. This subVI writes the clone’s name to the FGV that is maintaining the clone count. Second, there is also a new shift register carrying a cluster of internal data that clone will need to do its work. All that is needed during initialization is to set a timestamp value. The Check for Data state is next and it has likewise seen some tweaks — the most significant of which is moving the logic for responding to the dequeue operation into a subVI.

New Data Processor Check for Data

The justification for this move lies in the fact that this logic is now also responsible for determining whether or not the clone is being adequately utilized. As I stated before, each time the clone goes to the queue and comes up empty, the logic will increment a counter that is being carried in the new shift register’s data. If this count exceeds a new configuration value Clone Idle Count, the code will branch to a new state that will shutdown the clone. Likewise, anytime the clone does get data to process, it will reset the count to 0. The changes to the Process Data state, which comes next, are pretty trivial.

New Data Processor Process Data

All that happens here is that the timestamp extracted from the data to be “analyzed” updates the new cluster data — as well as the indicator on the front panel. Finally, there is the new state: Self Shutdown

New Data Processor Self Shutdown

…which simply calls a subVI that removes the clone’s name from FGV maintaining a list of all running clones, and stops the event loop.

Let’s talk about “Race Conditions”

All we have left to do now is test this work and see the differences that it makes, but before we can do that, we need to have a short conversation about race conditions. Very often developers and instructors (myself included) will talk about the necessity of avoiding race conditions. The dirty little secret is that as long as you have multiple things happening in parallel, race conditions will always be present. The real point that these admonitions attempt to make is that you should avoid the race conditions that are unrecognized and potentially problematic.

I bring this point up because as you do the following testing, you may get the chance to see this concept in action. The way it will appear is that the system will launch a new clone immediately after one kills itself off for being underutilized. The reason for this apparent logical lapse is that a race condition exists between the part of the code that is checking to see if another clone is needed and the several places where the clones are deciding whether or not they are being used. There are two causes for this race condition, one we can ameliorate a bit and one over which we have no possible control.

Starting with the cause we can’t control, a simple immutable law of nature is that no matter how sophisticated our logic or algorithms might be, they can not see so much as a nanosecond into the future. Consequently, the first source of a race condition is that when the queue checking logic sees that there are three elements enqueued, it has no way of knowing that a currently active clone will be available in a few milliseconds. While it is true that under certain circumstances it might be possible to provide this logic with a bit of “foresight”, there is no generalized solution to this aspect of the problem. Consequently, this is an issue that we may just have to live with.

The news, however, is better for the second cause. Here the problem is that with all the clones having the same timeout between data checks, it is probable that sooner or later one of the clones is going to become “synchronized” with the others such that it is always checking the queue just after it was emptied by one of the others. However the solution to this problem lies in its very definition. The cure is to see to it that the clones do not have constant timeouts from one check to the next. To implement this concept in our test code I modified the routine that returns the delay to add a small random difference that changes each time it’s called.

The bottom line is that while completely removing all race conditions is not possible, they can be managed such that their impacts are minimized.

New Tests for New Code

The testing of the modified code starts the same as it did before: open and launch Data Processing Queue Handler.vi and Queue Test.vi. The first difference that you will notice is that only 1 clone is initially launched, but at the default data rate, 1 clone is more than adequate.

Now decrease the delay between data packets to 2 seconds. Here the queue depth will bounce around a bit but the clone count will stabilize at 3 or 4.

Finally, take the delay all the way down to 1 second. Initially the clone count may shoot up to 8 or 9, but on my system the clone count eventually settled down to 6 or 7.

At this point, you can begin increasing the delay again and the slowly the clones will start dropping out from disuse. Before you shutdown the test, however, you might want to set the delay back to 2 seconds and leave the code running while you go about whatever else you have to do today. It could be instructive to notice how other things you are doing on the same computer effect the queue operation. You might also want to rerun the test but start Queue Test.vi first and let it run for a minute or so before you startData Processing Queue Handler.vi — just to see what happens.

Further Enhancements?

So we have our basic scalable system completed, but are there things we could still do to improve its operation? Of course. For example, we know that due to timing issues which we can only partially control, the number of clones that is running at one time can vary a bit, even if the data rate is constant. One thing that could be done to improve efficiency would be to change the way clones are handled. For example, right now a data processor is either in memory and running or it is closed. One thing you could do is create a new state that a clone could be in — like loaded into memory, but inactive. You could implement this zombie state by setting the timeout to 0, thus effectively turning off the state machine.

It might also be helpful to change to queue depth limit at which a new clone is created by making it softer. Instead of launching a new clone anytime the queue depth exceeds 3, it might be useful in some situations to maintain a running average and only create a new clone if the average queue depth over the last N checks is greater than 3.

Who knows? Some of you might think of still other modifications and enhancements. The point is to experiment and see what works best for your specific application.

Parallel Data Processing — Release 2

The Big Tease

So what is in store for next time? Well in the past we have discussed how to dynamically launch and use VIs that run as separate processes. But what if the code you want to access dynamically like this happens to exist in a process that you have already compiled into a standalone application? If this application is working you don’t want to risk breaking something by modifying it. As it turns out there are ways to manage and reuse that code as well, even if it was created in an older version of LabVIEW. Next time we’ll start exploring how to do it.

Until Next Time…


Objectifying LabVIEW

I suppose a good place to start this post is with an admission that, in a sense, it is flying a false flag. One way that you could reasonably interpret the title is that in this post I am going to be showing you how to start using objects in LabVIEW. That interpretation is not correct, and the troublesome word is “start”. The fact of the matter is that you can’t use LabVIEW without interacting with objects and many parts of it (think: VI Server) are overtly object-oriented — even without an obvious class structure. The language is built on an objects oriented foundation and so, in a very real way, has been object-oriented since Version 1.

What I am going to be showing you is how to simplify your work by building your own classes. As I stated in the teaser last time, the starting point for this discussion is the recommendation given in NI’s object-oriented training class that you should make your first attempts at using explicit object-oriented technique small, easy to manage subsystems — or put more simply, we need to start with baby steps.

Object-oriented baby steps

OK, so this is the point in the presentation where most presenters hauls out some standard theory, and moth-eaten descriptions of objects and classes — often lifted wholesale from a book on C++ programming. The problem with this approach is of course that we aren’t C++ programmers and the amount of useful information we can draw from an implementation of objects oriented programming that is so fundamentally flawed is minimal at best. The approach I intend to take instead focuses on key aspects of the technique that are of immediate, practical importance to someone who is working in LabVIEW and wants to take advantage of explicitly implementing object-oriented class structures.

A Quick Glossary

The first thing we need is a vocabulary that will let us talk about the topic at hand.

OOP Clouds

Now be forewarned that some of these definitions may not exactly match what you may read elsewhere, but they are correct for the LabVIEW development environment.

  • Class — An abstract datatype.
    If you think that sounds a lot like the definition of a cluster, you’re right! Due to the way LabVIEW implements object orientation, a class is essentially a very fancy cluster. In fact, when you create a class the first item that LabVIEW inserts into it is a typedef consisting of an empty cluster. Although you don’t have to put anything into the cluster, it provides a place to put data that is private to that class.
  • Object — An instance of a class.
    As with a normal cluster, every instance of a class has its own memory space. Consequently, a class wire is in most ways the same as any other wire in LabVIEW. We are still working in a dataflow environment.
  • Property — A piece of data that tells you something about the object.
    This is why there is a cluster at the heart of the class. You want to put in that cluster information that will describe the object is a way that is meaningful to you application. Because each instance of the class is a separate wire that has its own memory space, the data contained in the cluster describes that particular object.
  • Method — A VI that is associated with a particular class and which does something useful.
    So what do I mean by, “…something useful…”? Well that all depends on the class’ purpose. A the class that is responsible for creating a visual interface might have a method that causes an object to draw itself. While a class that manages the interface to data storage would likely have a method to store or retrieve application data.

From this simple list of words we can begin to see the general shape of the arena in which we will be playing. To recap: A class is a kind of wire. An object is a particular wire. A property is data carried in the wire that describes it in a useful way, and methods use the object data to do something you need done.

Dynamic Dispatch

Now that we have a basic vocabulary in place that lets us talk about this stuff, there are a couple of concepts that we need to discuss. I want to start with this exploration is with the mechanism that LabVIEW uses to call methods. Referred to as dynamic dispatch this feature it is often a source of confusion to developers getting started with object-oriented programming. A good way to come to grips with dynamic dispatch is to compare and contrast it to a feature of LabVIEW with which you may already be familiar: polymorphism.

Polymorphism (from the perspective of the developer using a polymorphic subVI) is the ability of a single functions to adapt to whatever datatype is wired to its inputs. For example, the low-level Add node in LabVIEW is polymorphic. Consequently, it can add scalar numeric if all types, as well as arrays of numerics of varied dimensions, clusters of numerics and even arrays of clusters of numerics.

Of course, from the perspective of the developer creating a polymorphic VI the view is much different. This flexibility doesn’t happen on its own. Rather, you have to create all the individual instance VIs that handle the various datatypes. For example, I often want to know if a value at a specific point in the code has changed from the last time this bit of code executed. So I created a polymorphic VI that performs this function. To create this subVI, I had to write variations of the same basic logic for about a half-dozen or so basic datatypes, as well as a version that used the variant datatype to catch everything else.

Dynamic dispatch (which is actually a form of polymorphism) works much the same way, but with a couple significant differences.

  • When the decision is made as to which instance VI is to be executed
    With conventional polymorphism, the decision of which instance VI to call happens as you wire in the subVI. In the case of my polymorphic subVI, as soon as I wire a U32 to the input, LabVIEW automatically selects the U32 version of the code. However, with dynamic dispatch, that decision gets put off until runtime with LabVIEW making the decision based on the datatype present on the wire as the subVI is called. Of course for that to work, you need a different kind of wire. Which brings us to the other point…

  • The criteria for choosing between VIs
    The wires that conventional polymorphism uses to select a VI all have one thing in common — they are all static datatypes. By that I mean that a wire is a U32, or a string or whatever and it can’t change on the fly. By contrast, with dynamic dispatch, the basis for selection is a wire that is an instance of a class, and the datatype of an object can be dynamic. However this variability is not infinite. A given class wire can’t hold just any object because class structure is also hierarchical.

Say you have a class named Geometric Shapes to Draw. You can define other classes (called subclasses) like Circle or Square that are interpreted by LabVIEW as being more specific instances of Geometric Shapes to Draw objects. Due to this hierarchical relationship, a given wire can be typed as a Geometric Shapes to Draw but at runtime really be carrying a Circle or Square. As a result, a dynamic dispatch VI can call different instance VIs based on the datatype at runtime.

However, one big thing that conventional polymorphism does have in common with dynamic dispatch, is that the power doesn’t come for free. You still have to write the method VIs for dynamic dispatch to call.


Remember a moment ago I referred to class datatypes as being hierarchical? The fancy computer science concept governing the use of hierarchical class structures is called inheritance. The point of this label is to drive home the idea that not only are subclasses logically related to the classes above them in the hierarchy, but these so-called child classes also have access to the properties and methods contained in their parent classes. In other words they can “inherit” or use data and capabilities that belong to their parents.

Handled properly, inheritance can significantly reduced the amount of code that you have to write. Handled poorly, inheritance can turn an otherwise promising project into a veritable train wreck. Which brings up our last point…

Proper Organization

Although organization isn’t really a feature of object-oriented programming, it is never the less critical. The simple fact of the matter is that while a disorganized, undisciplined developer might be able to get by when working in conventional LabVIEW, introducing the explicit use of classes can result in utter chaos. Of the real object-oriented failures that I have seen over the years, they all shared a lack of, or inconsistent, organization.

So what sort of organizational things am I talking about? Well it’s a lot of the same stuff that we have talked about before. For a more general discussion of the topic you can check out a post that I wrote very early on titled, Conventional Wisdom. What I want to do right now is highlight some of the points that are particularly important for object-oriented work.

The two main conventions (directory structure and file naming) go together because the point of one is to mirror the other. But rather than simply list some rules, I’ll demonstrate how this works. To start, I will create a directory that is named for the class hierarchy that I will build inside it. So if the point of this class hierarchy is, for example, to update my program’s user interface, I would call the directory something obvious like GUI Update. Inside this directory I would then create the top-level class with the file name GUI Update.lvclass. At this time I will also create a couple subdirectories (_subVIs and _typedefs) that I know I will undoubtedly be needing. Finally, I have learned over the years that being able to tightly control access to VIs is very important, so I will also create at this time a project library named GUI Update.lvlib and put into it the top-level class and a virtual folder called _subclasses with its access scope set to Private.

So the parent class is set up, but what about the subclasses? I simply repeat the pattern. Let’s say the GUI Update class has subclasses for three types of controls that it will need to update: Boolean, Digital and Cluster. I create subdirectories in the parent directory that are named for the subclass that will go into each, and hierarchically name the three subclasses GUI Update_Boolean.lvclass, GUI Update_Digital.lvclass, and GUI Update_Cluster.lvclass. I am also careful to remember to add the subclass files to the _subclasses virtual folder in the library, edit their icon overlays, and set their inheritance correctly — which is to say, identify their parents. Note that while the hierarchical naming structure doesn’t automatically establish correct inheritance, this convention does make it easier to visualize class relationships in the project file.

And so I go building each layer in my class hierarchy. With each new subclass I continue the same pattern so if I eventually want to find, say a subVI associated with the class GUI Update_Digital_Unsigned Word.lvclass, I know I will find it in the directory ../GUI Update/Digital/Unsigned Word/_subVIs.

Having a pattern to which you stick relentlessly — even one as simple as this one — will save you immeasurable amounts of time.

Creating the Blueprint

The next thing I do when creating a class hierarchy (but the last thing I want to talk about right now) is how the rest of the application will interface with my new GUI Update class. This is where the access scope we have been so careful to create comes into play. In the top-level class I always create a group of VIs that have their access scope set to public. These interface VIs form the totality of the external interface to the class hierarchy and so include the functions that define what the application as a whole needs GUI Update to do for it. The logical implications of this interface layer is why I sometimes call this step in the process, “Creating the Blueprint”.

In addition to providing a very clean interface, another advantage of having this “blueprint” is that if you ever need to expand your stable of subclasses, these interface VIs will serve as a list of functions you need to support in the new subclass — or at least a list of functions that you should consider implementing in the new subclass. To see what I mean, consider that the scenario we have been discussing is actually drawn from an application I created once. The list of public interface VIs was really very short: There was a method that read a value from a remote device and wrote it to the GUI object, one that looked for control value changes to write them to the remote device, and one that allowed the calling application to set control specific properties.

Of these, all GUI objects had to implement the first one because even the controls needed to be updated once a second. The reason for this constraint was that the remote device could also be reconfigured from a local interface and the LabVIEW application needed to keep itself up to date. However, the second interface method was only applicable to controls. Finally, the third interface method was implemented very rarely for the few subclasses that needed it.

What’s up next?

We have just about run out of space for this installment, but you may have noticed that something is missing from this post: Any actual LabVIEW code. Next time we will correct that sad situation by considering how to apply these principles to the creation of a class hierarchy that provides a common mechanism for storing and retrieving program data and setup parameters that works the same (from the application’s perspective at least) regardless of whether the program is interfacing with a database or text files.

Until Next Time…


How to Make Dynamic SubVIs

The last two posts discussed different ways to use dynamic linking and calling in situations where you want the target VI to run in parallel with the rest of the application. Another major use case for dynamic calling is to create software plugins.

I use the term “plugin architecture” to indicate a technique that strives to simplify code by facilitating runtime changes to limited portions of the code while allowing the basic logic for the function as a whole to remain intact and unchanged. For example, say you are implementing a control algorithm that has, for the sake of argument, two inputs: a position and a load. As long as the readings are accurate, timely and in the proper units, most of the control algorithm doesn’t care how these inputs are measured. It would, therefore, simplify the code base as a whole to incorporate a technique that allows the reuse all the common code by simply “plugging in” different acquisition modules that support the various different types of sensors that can measure position and load.

This isn’t rocket science

This goal might sound lofty, but the hurdle for getting into it is actually pretty low. In fact, when teach the LabVIEW Core 1 and 2 week, I will sometimes introduce what LabVIEW can do by demonstrating a simple plugin architecture that only uses concepts introduced and discussed in those two classes.

I start the demo by opening an application that I have written to implement a simple calculator. It has two numeric inputs labeled “X” and “Y” and an indicator labeled “Output”. The only other control is a popup menu that lists the two math operations it can perform: addition and subtraction. I first show that you can use the simple program to add and subtract numbers.

I then comment that it would be nice if my program could multiply numbers as well. So I drag the program window to one side but leave it running. I then open a new window and add two inputs and an output (labeled like the program). On the block diagram I drop down a multiplier, wire it up, and save the VI with the name Multiply.vi. After closing that VI’s front panel, I tell the class that although they just watched me create the ability to multiply numbers, the program which is already running has already acquired it. At this point, I pull the program front panel back over and show that the menu which only moments before said “Add” and “Subtract”, now has a third option: “Multiply”. Moreover, the new selection does indeed allow me to now multiply numbers. Finally, I make the point that this capability to dynamically expand and change functionality was created using nothing but things that they will be learning in the coming week.

While the students at this point might not be cheering, they are awake and have some motivation to learn. You better believe that when I show them the code Friday afternoon and they can recognize how the program works, they are excited. So let’s see what I can do now to motivate and excite you…

It’s all about the packaging

As we begin to get into the following use cases you should notice that the actual code needed to implement each solution is not really very complicated. If fact, in the following sections we will be dealing with many of the same functions as when we were dynamically launching separate processes. The tricky part here is that we need to fit all the data management and launch logic in a space that would otherwise be occupied by a single VI. For this reason we need to be very careful when packaging this code. To demonstrate what I mean, let’s consider three common use cases that all call a simple test VI (called amazingly enough Test.vi) that simply returns a random number. I have ordered these cases such that each example builds on what went before:

System Initialization

I like to start here when explaining these concepts because it is the simplest structure and so is easy to understand.

System Initialization

Here you see laid out all the basic pieces required to dynamically call a subVI. The first VI (the one marked “Dummy”) is the one we will use through-out this post to represent the data management needed to get the path to the VI that will be called dynamically. Depending upon your application this could come from an INI file, database, or what have you. We won’t go into a lot of detail with that VI because we have discussed the various techniques pretty thoroughly in other posts.

You should recognize the next node (Open VI Reference) as we have already used it a lot. It opens a reference to the VI specified in the input VI name or path. This action also has the effect of loading the VI into memory. Just as statically subVIs can be reentrant, you can specify it here, as well, if needed.

Once the VI is open, we pass its reference to a node that looks a lot like the Start Asynchronous Call we have already used. This node is Call by Reference and like the prior one it expects a strict VI reference and in return provides a connector pane for passing data to the target. However, unlike the asynchronous call, this node always waits until the target finishes executing before continuing, hence its representation of the target’s connector pane also allows us to get data from the target.

Finally, in order to remove the target VI from memory, we need to close the reference when we are done with it — which is what the last node does.

When using this technique it is important to keep in mind that, because it loads, executes and unloads the VI all at once, it is very inefficient when used is a situation where it will be run multiple times. Sort of like trying to use an Express VI inside a loop — but worse.

However, one place where this technique can be used very effectively is doing things like system initialization. Its not uncommon for large and complex applications to require an equally large and complex initialization process, especially the first time they are run. Although you could just write a VI to do this initialization and install it in the program, why should you burden your program with a bunch of code that may only execute one time — ever? This technique allows you to only load and execute a VI if you actually need it.

Function Substitution

This use case is perhaps the most common of the three. It uses the same nodes we just saw, but because it can be used essentially anywhere, the packaging has to be very efficient. A solution I often use is to create a mini state-machine that has states for loading, executing and unloading the target VI, as well as one more for deciding what to do first. The user interface has one (enumerated) control that allows you to specify whether you want to Load the target, Run the target, or Unload the target.

The inputs are pretty simple, and the state-machine logic mirrors that simplicity. If the function requested is Load, the Startup state transitions directly to the Open VI state which opens and buffers the VI reference. Here is the code for these two states:

Function substitution - Startup - Load

Function substitution - Open VI

If the function requested is Run (the input’s default value, by the way), the Startup state first checks to see if the VI reference is valid and if it is, transitions to the Execute state.

Function substitution - Startup - Run

Function substitution - Execute

If the reference is not valid, execution instead continues with the Open VI state which returns to the Execute state after opening the reference.

Finally, if the function requested is Unload, the Startup state transitions directly to the Close VI state:

Function substitution - Startup - Unload

Function substitution - Close VI

The result of all this work is a flexible VI that can be used in a variety of different ways depending upon system requirements. For example, if the target VI loads quickly or the calling process doesn’t have tight timing constraints, you can just install it and let the first call to both load the VI into memory and run it. Alternately, if you don’t want the first call to be delayed by that initial load, you can call it once in a non-time-critical part of the code to just Load the target and then Run it as many times as you like later.

In the same way, the Unload function, which normally isn’t needed, can be used to release the memory resources used by a large dynamic subVI when you know that you aren’t going to be needing it for a while.

This approach could even be extended to create a simple test executive that dynamically loads and unloads whole sets of VIs. In such a situation, though, you probably don’t want to be tied to a single connector pane, so you should consider changing the VI reference to non-strict and modifying the Execute state to use our old friend the Run VI method like so.

Function substitution - Execute - Run VI Method

Interprocess Communication

This use case is in many ways the most expansive of the three because it supports communications between different processes regardless of their physical location. In terms of code, there is very little difference between this case and the previous one. In fact, the only change that is really required is to the Load state. This is what the network-enabled version looks like:

Function substitution - Open VI - IPC

That new icon in front of Open VI Reference is the one that makes the magic. Its name is Open Application Reference and its job is to return a reference to the instance of LabVIEW that is hosting the VI that you want to access. To make this connection, you need to know the host-name or IP address of the computer running the LabVIEW application, and the port number the instance is using for incoming connections. If the application that you are wanting to access in on your own computer, you can either leave the host name string empty or use the name localhost. The port can be any number that isn’t already being used. One common people mistake is to simply accept the default value, which is the port that LabVIEW listens to by default. This causes problems when they go to test their application because now there are two processes (the LabVIEW development environment and their application) trying to use the same port.

An important point to remember is that while the Call by Reference node passes data back and forth, the called VI actually executes on the remote system. Hence, this sort of operation works independent of the target system’s operating system or even the version of LabVIEW that it is running.

The tasks for setting up a system to use this technique involves properly configuring the application to which you are going to be connecting — though it often doesn’t require any code changes. This amazing benefit is possible because the underlying networking is handled by the runtime engine, not the application code you write. I have on a couple occasions come into a place and added remote control functionality to an old application that was not even designed with that capability in mind.

You will, however, have to make changes to the target application’s INI file to enable networking, And you, obviously, will need to have access to the application’s source code so you know what VIs to call. Likewise, if you are accessing a computer outside your local network there can be a variety of network communications details to sort out that are beyond the scope of this post. One other thing to bear in mind is that it is always easier to connect to a remote VI if it is already in memory. The reason for this fact is that if the VI is already in memory all you need to know is the VI’s name. If you are also loading it into memory, you have to know the complete path — the annotation of which can change between platforms.

But assuming you establish the connection, what exactly can you do with it? The answer to that lies in what VIs you choose to execute from the remote process. If you execute a VI that fires an event, that event gets fired on the remote system, so you can use it as a channel for controlling that application.

Alternately, say you chose to execute a VI that is a function global variable (FGV). Depending on whether you are reading from or writing to the FGV, you are now either passing data to the remote system, or collecting data from it. By the way, this is the method I still typically use for passing data over a network between LabVIEW applications — not network-enabled shared variables. Unlike this later “enhancement”, the dynamic calling of a FGV doesn’t need to be “deployed”, is more memory efficient, has a smaller code footprint, is far easier to troubleshoot if there is a problem, and works across all releases of LabVIEW back to Version 6.

The only real limit to what you can do with this technique is your imagination.

So there are the three major use cases for the dynamic linking of subVIs. This discussion is by no means a complete consideration of the topic, but hopefully it will whet your appetite to experiment a bit. The link below is to an archive containing all three examples to get you started.

Dynamic Linking Examples

Next time: Command Line Parameters are not a relic of the past.

If you have spent any time poking into some of the more esoteric corners of the application builder, you may have noticed a checkbox in the Advanced section labeled, “Pass all command line arguments to application”, and wondered what that is all about. Well, wonder no more, that little checkbox is what we are going to discuss next time out — and while we’re at it I’ll cover a really neat use for it.

Until next time…


A “Finished” Testbed Application

As I’ve worked on the past several posts, I had a very specific milestone in mind. You see, I am wanting to use this LabVIEW blog to demonstrate and explain a lot of things that I have learned over the years, but the proper presentation of those topics typically requires a certain amount of pre-existing infrastructure.

That is what I have been doing through the preceding posts — building the conceptual basis for a testbed application that embodies what we have discussed so far. Having this infrastructure is critical for thorough, disciplined learning because without it you are left with example code that may demonstrate one point well, but violates a dozen other principles that are standard “best practices”.

Having said that, however, remember the quotation marks around the word Finished in the title. The marks are there to highlight the fact that, as with all LabVIEW applications, this testbed will never really, and finally finished. In fact, it is planned that it will get better over time, and support more functionality. The best we can say is that the testbed is done for now.

Come next week though, who knows? There’s still a lot to do.

The Testbed Project

Like the UDE template, the current version of the testbed and all its associated VIs is available through the website’s subversion repository at:

http://svn.notatamelion.com/blogProject/testbed application/Tags/Release 1

You can use the web client as you did before, but considering the number of files, you will find it to be less time-consuming (and error prone) to use a dedicated client application like TortoiseSVN on Windows. Regardless of how you get the testbed project onto your computer, the first thing that you see with any application is the project file that is its home. When you open testbed.lvproj note that it embodies two of the conventions that I use on a regular basis.

  1. There are virtual folders for two types of items — both of which are contained in LabVIEW libraries:
    The _ude folder contains the libraries associated with the two UDEs that are currently being used. The _libraries folders contains the two libraries embodying the main functional areas that the application currently uses. The Configuration Management library houses the files that the application uses to fetch configuration information (right now it only needs to read the launch processes). The Startup Processes library contains the VIs that will be launchable when the application starts, and the process-specific VIs that they use. Finally, the Path Utilities library contains the VIs that the code uses to locate the internal project home directory in an executable.
  2. The launcher VI is directly in My Computer, along with its INI file, testbed.ini.
    As I have discussed elsewhere, this naming convention simplifies a variety of tasks such as locating the application INI file.

Looking at the VIs

The remainder of this post will look at the VIs used in creating the testbed application. Right now the discussion will be at a rather high-level as we will be digging into them on a more detailed basis in the future. With each VI, I also list a few of the future topics that I will use that VI to demonstrate. If you would like to see others, let me know in the comments.


Here we see pretty much what you would expect. As discussed in the previous post, the code starts by calling a subVI that stores the launcher’s path to a FGV that will make it available to the rest of the application. It then calls the subVI that reads the INI file to get the list of processes to launch.

The array of process descriptions thus retrieved is passed to the main loop that processes each element individually. The LabVIEW documentation does a good job of describing asynchronous call-and-forget so I won’t repeat it here. Instead I will point out the 1 second delay that follows the dynamic call logic. Often times, a new process starting up has a lot it needs to do. This delay gives the new process a 1 second window where the launcher is not doing any potentially time-consuming tasks — like loading into memory the next process it will launch. The delay may not be technically necessary, but I have found that it can sometimes make things run a bit smoother.

Finally, you may be wondering, why there is logic to explicitly close the launcher window? Isn’t there a VI property that tells LabVIEW to automatically close the window if it was originally closed? Well, yes there is, and you would think that it would handle this situation. In fact, it does — but only in the development environment. When you build the application into an executable, the auto-close doesn’t work for the top-level VI window, or at least doesn’t with LabVIEW 2014.


    Future Enhancements

  • Showing the “busy” cursor
  • Enhancing user feedback
  • How to launch other standalone executables
  • How to launch VIs that need input parameters

Startup Processes.lvlib:Acquire Data.vi

This is the VI that the original producer loop turned into. The most noticeable change has been the addition of an event structure that both allows the process to respond to a application stop event, and ( via the timeout event) provides the acquisition timing.

Acquire Data

    Future Enhancements

  • Handling errors that occur during initialization
  • Turning acquisition on and off
  • Changing acquisition parameters
  • Correcting for timing “slips” when using the timeout event

Startup Processes.lvlib:Display Data.vi

This VI is the new consumer loop. This VI retains the event loop it had before, but adds an event for stopping the application.

Display Data

    Future Enhancements

  • Using subpanels to generalize your interface code — and avoid tab controls
  • Implementing dialog boxes that don’t stop everything while they are open.
  • The advantages of the “System”-themed controls

In addition to these VIs, there’s no rule that says there can’t be more — like say for handling errors. You may also need additional processes for handling tasks that have differing timing requirements, or communicate through different interfaces. We’ll look at those too.

But for now, feel free to poke around through the code, and if you have any questions ask in the comments. Also try building the application and perhaps even the installer.

Until next time…


Getting Everything Running

I left you last time stuck on the horns of a dilemma. To wit: It’s not very hard to create LabVIEW applications structured as multiple parallel processes that are for the most part operating independently of one another. However, now you are going to need some way to launch all those independent processes and manage their operation.

These are some of the issues that we’ll deal with this time, but first you may be wondering if this methodology is really worthwhile. Specifically, what benefits are to be garnered? In a word: modularity — on steroids (Ok, that’s three words. So sue me).

The Case for Autonomous Processes

A few posts ago, I dealt in broad terms with the issue of modularity and mentioned that effects both the design and implementation of an application. Consequently, modularity has implications that can reach far beyond simply the structure of an application. Modularity can also effect such diverse, and apparently unrelated, areas as resource allocation and even staffing.

For example, let’s say you have an application that needs to acquire data, display data, and manage system events that occur. Now let’s say you structure this application such that it has three loops on the same block diagram — or worse, one big loop that tries to do everything. How many developers can effectively work on the application at once? One.

Oh you might be able to split off a few random tasks like developing lower-level drivers, or prototyping the user interface, but when crunch time comes the work will fall to one person. Heaven help you if that one person gets sick. Or that one person gets hit by a bus. Or that one person gets tired of dealing with the stress caused by being the project critical path incarnate and quits.

And don’t forget that one developer is a best-case scenario. Such projects can easily turn into such a mess that there is no way anyone can “effectively” work on them. If you get thrust into such a situation, and you don’t have a manager that really and truly has your back, the best you can hope for is to survive the encounter. (And, yes. I am speaking from personal experience.)

But let’s say that you decide use a different modularization. Let’s say that you break the application into three independent, but interacting, processes. Now how many people can effectively work on the project at once? Three. Likewise, at crunch time how many people can assist with integration testing and validation? Three — and each one with a specific area of expertise in the project domain.

Oh, in case you’re wondering, “three” is a worst-case scenario. Depending how each of those three pieces are structured, the number of possible concurrent operations could go much higher. For instance, the lead developer of the DAQ module might decide to create separate processes for DAQ boards and GPIB instruments; or the GUI developer might identify 4 separate interface screens that will run independently, and so can be developed independently. Now you are up to 7 parallel development tasks, and 7 pairs of hands that can pitch in at crunch time.

So in terms of justification, ‘Nuff said… All we have to do now is figure out where to put the logic that we need.

Making a Splash [Screen]

Did you ever wonder why so many large applications have big splash screens telling you about the program you are launching? Is narcissism really running rampant in the software industry? Or is there a little slight-of-hand going on here?

Part of the answer to those questions lies in a magic number: 200. That number is important because that is the approximate number of milliseconds that average users will wait for a program to respond before they begin to wonder if something has gone horribly wrong. Any way you slice it 200-msec isn’t remotely long enough to get a large program loaded into memory and visible to the user.

So what is a developer to do? As quickly as possible put up an appealing bit of eye-candy the implicit (and occasionally explicit) purpose of which is to congratulate the user for having the wisdom and foresight to decide to launch your program. Then while the user is thus distracted, get everything else loaded and running as quickly as you can.

That is why programs have splash screens. It also points to one of the unique aspects of a splash screen: Unlike most VIs, what you see on the front panel of a splash screen often has little or nothing to do with what the VI is actually doing. Or put another way, splash screens are a practical implementation of the concept, “Ignore the man behind the curtain!”

Designing a Launch Pad

As you should expect from me by now, the first thing to do is consider the basic requirements for this launcher VI and list the essential components:

  1. A list of processes to be launched. As a minimum, this list will provide all the information needed to identify the process VIs. However it must also be expandable to allow the inclusion of additional runtime parameters.
  2. A loop to process the launch list. This loop will step through the launch list one element at a time and perform whatever operations are needed to get each process running. As a first-pass effort, the launcher must be able to handle reentrant and non-reentrant processes.

Because the loop that does the actual launching is pretty trivial, we’ll concentrate our design effort on a discussion of the data structure needed to represent the launch list. Clearly, the list will need to vary in size, so the basic structure will need to be an array. Next, to properly represent or describe each process to be launched (as well as any runtime data it may require) will probably require a variety of different datatypes, so the structure inside the array will need to be a cluster — and a typedef’d one at that. It is inevitable that eventually this data will need to change.

To determine what information the cluster will need to contain, let’s look at what we know about the call process that we will be using. Because these processes will be operating independently from one another, the launcher will use the Asynchronous Call-and-Forget method. To make this technique work, we will need the path to the VI so the launcher can load it into memory, and something to identify how each VI should be run. Remember, we are wanting to support both reentrant and non-reentrant processes. While the launch processes that the two types of VIs require are very similar they are not identical, so at the very least we need to be able to distinguish between them. But what should the datatype of this selector be? Most folks would figure that the selector only has 2 possible states, and so they would make it a Boolean…

…and most folks would be wrong.

There are 3 reasons why a Boolean value is incorrect:

  1. It is inherently confusing. There is no natural or intuitive mapping between possible logical values of this parameter and the true or false states available with a Boolean.
  2. It runs counter to the logical purpose of a Boolean. Boolean controls aren’t for just any value that has two states. They are for values that can only have two states. This selector coincidentally happens to have two states.
  3. It will complicate future expansion. There are other possible situations where the technique for using a given process might vary from the two currently being envisioned. When that happens you’ll have to go back and change the parameter’s fundamental datatype — or do something equally ugly.

The correct solution is, of course, to make the value a typedef enumeration with two values, “Normal” and “Reentrant”.

Handling Paths

While we are considering the data details, we also need to talk a bit about the VI path parameter. At first blush, this might seem a straight-forward matter — and in the development environment it is. The challenge arises when you decide to build your code into a standalone executable. To understand why this is so, we need to consider a little history.

With LabVIEW versions prior to LabVIEW 2009, executables that you created stored files internally in what was essentially a flat directory structure. Hence if you wanted to build a path to a VI inside an executable it was just the path to the executable with the VI name added to the end, like so:


This simple structure made it very easy to build a path to a VI and worked well for many years. However, as the LabVIEW development environment became more sophisticated, this simple structure began to exhibit several negative side-effects. One of most pernicious of those effects was one that nearly everyone tripped over at least once. The path of a VI in an executable, while simple to build, was different from the path to the same VI in the development environment.

To fix this problem (and many, many, many others) LabVIEW 2009 defined a new internal structure that more closely reflects the directory structure present in the development environment. Thanks to this change, once you know the path to the “project directory” inside the executable, the logic to building a path to a VI is exactly the same, regardless of the environment in which it was running. The only trick now is getting to that internal starting point, and that can be a bit tricky depending on how you have VIs stored on your computer. Being basically a simple man, when approached with a requirement such as this I prefer an uncomplicated approach — and what could be less complicated than a functional global variable?

Because the launcher VI is always in the project root directory, writing its path (stripped of the VI name, of course) to a FGV provides a fast shortcut for any process or function that needs to build an internal path. Note that this expedient is only needed for LabVIEW files that are located in the executable. For non-LabVIEW files, the Application Directory node provides the same logical starting point for path building.

Managing Windows

Finally, if you implemented an application with all the features that we have discussed to this point you would have an application that would acquire data in the producer loop, and seamlessly pass it to the consumer loop. Unfortunately, you wouldn’t be able to what it was doing because there wouldn’t be any windows open.

By default, when you dynamically call a VI the target of the call doesn’t automatically open its front panel. This behavior is fine for the acquisition VI, because we want it to run unseen in the background anyway. However, it also means that you can’t see the data display. To make the display visible we need to tweak a few VI properties for the display VI. To make this sort of setting easy, the Window Appearance portion in the VI properties dialog box provides a couple, predefined window definitions. The one that will get you what we want is the top-most radio button labeled Top-level application window. This selection sets a number of properties such as turning off the scrollbars and setting the VI to automatically open its front panel when it runs and closing it when it finishes.

Note that the Window Appearance screen also allows you to specify a runtime title for the window — an optional but professional touch to add to you application. This setting only defines a static title, you can also set it dynamically from the VI using a VI property node.

So that’s about it for now. The next time we get together I’ll introduce how I have applied all the infrastructure we have been discussing to the “testbed” application introduced in the post on UDEs.

Until next time…


Module, module, whose got the module?

One of the foundation stones of software architecture is the idea of modularity, or modular design. The only problem is that while the concepts of modular design are well-known, the term “module” seems to get used at times in rather inexact ways. So what is a module? Depending on who’s speaking it sometimes appears to refer to a VI, sometimes to a library or collection of VIs, and sometimes even a whole program or executable can be called a module. The thing is, all those are legitimate usages of the word — and they are just the beginning.

So how is one to keep straight what is meant? The only way that I have found is to stay alert, and keep straight in your head the conversation’s context. Well-designed software is always modular, but it is also hierarchical. Consequently, the modularity will also be hierarchical. For example, a VI can encapsulate some functionality that you wish to use through out a project (or across multiple projects) and so can be considered a module. But that VI can also be used as part of a higher-level more-abstract module that uses it to implement some broader system-level functionality.

To see this structure in action, all you have to do is consider any modern software package — including LabVIEW itself. Much of the user experience we think of as “LabVIEW” is actually the result of cooperation between dozens of independent modules. There are modules that form the user interface, modules that implement the compiler and other modules that manage system resources like licenses, network connections and DAQ IO. Regardless of level at which the modularity occurs, the benefits are much the same — reduced development costs, improved maintainability, lower coupling and enhanced cohesion. In short, modularity is a Very Good Thing.

However, you may have noticed that this description (like so many others) concentrates on modularization as a part of the implementation process. Consequently, I want to introduce another idea about modules: The use of modularization during the design process. In particular, I want to provide you with a link to a paper by D.L. Parnas that was published the year I graduated high-school, that I first read in 1989, and that every software engineer should read at least once a year because it is as relevant today as it was 43 years ago. The paper bears the rather daunting title: On the Criteria To Be Used in Decomposing Systems into Modules.

As the title suggests, the point is to not make the case for modularization — even then it was assumed that modularity was the way to go. The question was how do you go about breaking up a system into modules so as to derive the greatest benefit. To this end, Dr Parnas takes a simple application and compares two different ways that it could be broken down into modules, comparing and contrasting the results.

In a section titled What is Modularization? Dr Parnas sets the context for the following discussion:

In this context “module” is considered to be a responsibility assignment rather than a subprogram. The modularizations include the design decisions which must be made before the work on independent modules can begin.

In other words, this discussion is primarily about designing, not implementing. Just as the first step in designing a database is generating a data model, so the first step in designing a program is to identify where the functional responsibilities lie. And just as the data model for a database doesn’t translate directly into table structures, so this design modularization will not always translate directly into code. However, when done properly this initial design work serves a far greater good than simply providing you with a blueprint of the code you need, it also teaches you how to think about the problem you are trying to solve.

It can be easy to get tied-up in the buzzwords of the work we do and think that they (the buzzwords) will protect us from creating bad code like talismans or magical words of power. But there is no magic to be found in words like “object-oriented”, “hierarchical structure” or “modular design”. As Parnas shows, it is possible to create very bad code that is modular, hierarchical and object oriented.

Until next time…
