White Papers

Over the years I have written a few things, so I thought I would present them here. Enjoy:

NI User’s Symposium 1989 – LabVIEW Program Development in Large Test Networks


A “Test Network” is defined as any collection of hardware and software that, together, provides the user with the capability of investigating and measuring the performance of a specific test subject. There are, however, some key differences between developing a large test network and a small one. In the context of a LabVIEW environment, this paper will present several key software design concepts that have been found to be essential for large development efforts, but are applicable to the creation of test systems of any size.

LabVIEW Program Development in Large Test Networks

Ok, so this isn’t current. Let’s just call it archival or perhaps historical. The point is that while it shows its age, I am gratified about how well the concepts I first presented all those years ago have held up. Maybe I was on the right track after all…

NI Week 2014 – A Dataflow Approach to Object-Oriented Programming


Although object-oriented programming (OOP) can be a powerful tool for the LabVIEW developer, its usefulness and acceptance is often limited by the way it is taught. Much of the existing information is built on examples and approaches derived from programming languages such as C++ or Java. Consequently, the resulting approach runs (implicitly or explicitly) counter to LabVIEW’s fundamental programming paradigm: dataflow. The author presents some techniques for applying OO techniques in a way that capitalizes on their the advantages, but without abandoning the very things that makes the LabVIEW approach to problem solving so valuable.

A Dataflow Approach to Object-Oriented Programming

NI Week 2015 – Object-Oriented First Steps


An often-heard recommendation is for developers who are just starting to use object-oriented programming to take small first steps in the form of using OOP to build a simple well-defined subsystem. The idea behind this exercise is to use it as an opportunity to learn about, and become familiar with, the process before jumping headlong into a full-scale application. This presentation show how to use an object-oriented subsystem to adapt a typical application that has been using INI files to using a database.

Object Oriented First Steps (TS 6139)